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 After high school everybody thinks they are free from rules and regulations but that's not the case That time is when the harsh reality of life begins. For those who manage to find their way to the city, welcome to fantasy world.

You will meet sales people who are convincing enough thus  play with your mind. Most especially if they discover that you are a self  driven and motivated person.  They always manage to make you think you will be millionaires in a week, without work experience.

Some will show you how rich they have become by selling health products, yet on viewing them closely you can easily notice they look like they have never eaten for a whole week. But again your passion to be rich blinds you and you just end up being caught in their trap.

 On joining their respective companies, you are asked to pay cash for insurance purpose. The question you must ask yourself  " why am i paying cash to get cash yet i need cash because i don't have cash? i need i job which in turn will get me cash. Never be lied to, money never comes that easily unless you have a rich background. If ask for cash to get a job, please leave the company as fast as you can.

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