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First impressions, though always overlooked, are very important in dating. How you carry yourself on a first date will determine the diretion the relationship takes. If things go wrong the first time, it can take ages to win back the lost goodwill. My advice to guys is too look out for the following red flags and take to the hills:
Dressing: How a woman is dressed for the first date tells a lot about her personality and what she’s looking for. 
If she shows up dressed like a poll dancer, with her boobs and thighs sprawling all over the place, the message that will be broadcast is, “I do not want anything serious, just have your way with me and let’s get this over and done with already!” Ladies, if you think skimpy is sexy, then you are misguided. If a man makes a move to bed you on a first date, probably you are the one who has sent those signals, announcing that you are ‘that kind of girl’ by the way you are dressed or acting.
 Do not try too hard to impress, it is just a date, not a life and death relationship boot camp! Be simple. Be yourself. Let him see the real you. Bad-mouthing the ex: Your past relationship may crop up during a date, even though it is not advisable to go that direction with the man you fancy. Dear guys, if the woman starts talking ill of her ex with a good dose of curse words to boot, just sit there like a robot and blank it out. But let that be the last date you are having with her. GO TO PAGE 2 TO CONTINUE READING>>>>>>>>> Pages 1 2
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