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The Jacob Juma assassination saga continues. Aspiring politician Robert Alai has sensationally claimed that we have state assassins. In a Facebook post yesterday, Alai said that the assassins operate inside the security apparatus and use regular tags to hide their real job. Here’s that post. ************************************
‪#‎RIPJacobJuma‬ : We have official state assassins in Kenya. They operate from one of the security units’ HQ. They are career police officers with paramilitary training. They use the regular unit’s tag to hide their true work and intentions. They have been assigned two cars at their disposal. They don’t want any cartridges or eye witnesses. They are lethal. In their assignments, they only need a name and phone number to execute. They monitor the subject for at least two weeks before striking. They trail you to learn your habits, routines, likes, dislikes and social circles. They use the gathered intelligence to properly execute the task without lifting a veil on who they really are. Be afraid. Very afraid but don’t stop asking the questions. We must speak out and sacrifice our sweat and blood to make Kenya a better country. GO TO PAGE 2 TO CONTINUE READING>>>>> page 1 2
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