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1. You don’t know how to spoil a girl The number one mistake you are probably doing with new girls is taking them on lunch. coffee and dinner dates.These kinds of dates greatly decrease your chances of getting laid sooner. Not only does all that food prevent attraction, but you’re sitting far away from her, on the opposite side of the table, unable to touch. Such dates also give a girl too much time to judge you. Do drink dates instead where you can sit right next to her as that alcohol takes hold. She’ll be having fun and enjoying the party atmosphere that she won’t think too much about whether you are the right guy for her A smart man does not take women he hasn’t sexed yet on dinner dates. Unless he has lots of money to spend. And even if you have the money, take a girl to unique places, not coffee shops. But if you are a man with a limited budget, take a girl to drinking venues where you keep your cost-per-lay low by limiting expenditures to a couple of vodka tonics. Do not entertain the idea of spending a lot of money on women until they have proven themselves worthy of your resources. Some girls are just out there to get treats from you but are not willing to jump into bed with you. They are called the ‘feed me but don’t bang me’ chics. 2. You’re too needy. You contact a chic much more than she contacts you. You freak out if she doesn’t call back right away. You worry when there is nothing to worry about. You also complain a lot, You complain about work, about your boss, about your ex, about your mother, and your brother. You are the kind of man who has a bad shoulder injury and goes on and on about it. Oh, and you enjoy telling the story of how bad it is and how it happened over and over and over and over again. Complaints complaints complaints. Yet you are not even looking to deal with the problem. You just want to blurt a bunch of complaints out. Girls will avoid you 3. You don’t know how to tell a story in a way that gets a girl’s imagination going. You don’t know how to share interesting experiences that not only make her wish she was there with you but also make her want to be with you in future stories as well. You also don’t know how to make a girl laugh. All girls love funny guys. You don’t have to be a Chipukeezy but just try to make a girl laugh Maybe you gossip about other people while talking to a girl. You don’t mind pointing out other people’s failings and weaknesses and having a good laugh at their expense. A great man never betrays his pack and he doesn’t feel the need to betray others either in order to make himself look cool. Girls can smell a trash talker. . 4. You haven’t optimized your look. You have to dress in a way that you look powerful, attractive or interesting. Chicks dig power. If you can ape the mannerisms and conversational technique of powerful men, chicks will think you are more powerful than you may objectively be. When chicks think this, they get wet. Some of them even have your baby in their minds Have you taken the time with different hair and beard configurations, or do you still look the same as five years ago, wearing that same shirt with the stain on the sleeve? You don’t need model good-looks to have sex with pretty girls. You just need to dress well 5. You don’t know how to build attraction. You don’t know what a girl’s buttons are. You don’t know how to talk to her in a way that makes her more interested in you as time goes on. Maybe you lie about your life and your job, then she finds out. It’s all messed up. A real man shoots straight. He doesn’t make excuses and rely on temporary lies to wriggle out of a situation. He uses common sense and tackle every situation with panache.
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