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The Government of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, has moved to gag the media from giving airtime to politicians with lose tongues. In the new regulations unveiled by the Kenya Film Classification Board, the Government said that it will hold any broadcaster who airs defamatory remarks made by rogue politicians liable. The KFCB banned programmes like Jeff Koinage Live Show, which invite politicians with lose tongues to spew venom on national televisions as they attack others with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga being the biggest victim of Jeff Koinange’s attack dogs. “Commercials demeaning other political figures, parties, manifestos, using derogatory language, inciting stereotyping, propaganda of war messages…shall not be broadcast, exhibited or distributed,” read the regulation in part. The penalty for airing defamatory remarks by politicians or inviting those with lose tongues to the media is sh 500, 000 as a warning and not more than sh 1 million. The media House will also have its broadcast license revoked “No media should risk inviting politicians who are known for their bad mouth. Disclaimers will not work in this case. If you want a politician to be part of your programming, then they must conform to the broadcasting standards,” said Ezekiel Mutua, the KFCB boss.
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