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Panic as Matiba's son announce interests in Murang'a gubernatorial race come 2017.

Raymond Matiba during a meeting at Kenya tourism board
Matiba's son Raymond Matiba has announced interest in Murang'a gubernatorial race come 2017.
Raymond Matiba who is the former chairman of Kenya tourism board announced his interest in the seat recently his father having been a member of parliament for Kiharu constituency for along time.

His announcement has caused tension in Murang'a as politics in the area are likely to go a notch higher.

Matiba was the key vocal fighter of president Daniel Arap Moi's dictatorship administration as he fearlessly fought for Kenya's democracy.

Raymond a close friend  to president Uhuru Kenyatta and there is no doubt Uhuru will back him up.
Raymond Matiba posing for a photo while smiling
Raymond Matiba
He will have an easy name to sell since his father's name has good reputation in the area.Raymond is going to battle with the likes of Mwangi wa Iria and Jamleck Kamau among other contestants.

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