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WatchMojo Net Worth How Much money this Channel Makes per Day.

WatchMojo Net WorthWatchMojo is a Canadian video producer on YouTube whereby he publishes top ten videos concerning a variety of subjects.
WatchMojo was started by Ashkan Karbasfrooshan ,Christine Voulieris and Raphael Daigneault back in the year 2005.

The channel uploads 5 videos everyday and currently they are having more than 10,000 videos which have contributed to their higher Net Worth.

WatchMojo Net Worth.

The channel's estimated revenue ranges from $14000-15000 per day,this comes from the many videos they have in their channel which are being viewed by many people daily.

On average ,YouTube pays about $1.5-3 per 1000 monetized views.According to WatchMojo,the channel gets about 8 million views per day.And it has over million subscribers.

The channel makes about $5 million per year.It has also licensed their videos to other media to help them generate more Revenue.

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