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Omera This Statement Is Long! Tutatasoma Weekend

I wish to announce that this weekend, I will lead a team to Kisumu County for a two day visit where I will meet party delegates, meet ODM MCAs and conduct a roadshows through the city.
These will culminate in a mega rally in the city on Saturday where we will be joined by our Party Leader Rt. Hon Raila Amollo Odinga. At this rally, Kisumu County will declare its political stand on the 2017 contest.
The weekend’s activities, along with others that are going on, are not for fun but are part of our mission and duty as a party to educate our supporters and Kenyans in general on why Jubilee must not get another term in office.
The reasons Jubilee must not get another term are pretty clear. Jubilee does not deserve a second term because of its deliberate policy of economic sabotage. Jubilee is pursuing a deliberate policy of impoverishing communities and regions that it perceives to be non-supportive.
Jubilee has divided the country down the middle, between supporters and non-supporters. In the last four years, appointments and services have gone only go to Jubilee supporters, real or imagined.
No regime has been as exclusive and divisive like this one. Even their new logo—Uhuru and Ruto holding hands---shows it is about two people and their communities. But even those communities are beginning to realize they are being used for individual gains by the leaders. They are asking questions.
Jubilee has spent the last four years fighting to destroy everything the people want: Fighting devolution, fighting the Constitution, fighting the TJRC report.
In the process, they are stealing from the people and making new promises.
Corruption has reached levels never seen before even in our worst years. The President is unaware of what Kenyans are going through. If he is aware, then he does not care. That is why he does not understand why other people are not eating meat while he does.
Kenyans, especially they youth, are looking for opportunity, jobs, security, food, better standards of living and affordable life.
People at the Coast are looking for land they can call their own. And they are looking for justice over long running historical injustices. They are looking for a role in the institutions in their part of the country, which they have been denied. The Port is moving to a different part of the country through a policy that remains not too well disguised. That is economic sabotage.
Many Kenyans feel they have been abandoned and are struggling alone.
In the middle of all these, regime Kenyans entrusted to make things work is instead making new promises on top of the old.
Devolution, which was to open up opportunities by taking resources to the people is being fought everywhere across the country.
The various dealings between the Jubilee Administration and the Chinese now sees cheap fish imported into the local market at the expense of fishermen not just in Kisumu County, but the entire Lake Basin region. That is economic sabotage.
Rice is being imported from Pakistan in exchange for tea exports.
That is economic sabotage. 
It is for this reason that we take it as a duty to our nation to educate Kenyans that the Jubilee Government cannot be allowed another five years. The country is tired and a yearning for something new and better, for a more caring and humane leadership. The truth is, things will not get better under Jubilee.
A regime that does not fulfill its first term promises will not improve and will not care in the second term. 
The only way to make things get better is to reject Jubilee’s new promises and vote it out resoundingly next year.
The race to retire Jubilee is on.
Tukutane Kisumu.

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