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After Jubilee Branded and showcased their Vehicles See what Raila has Done in Response.

Raila Odinga has done the imaginable after he has unleashed 47 vehicles which have been branded for the all the ODM Delegates across the country.

Further to a declaration by the ODM Deputy Party Leader, H. E Hassan Ali Joho, with respect to our "10 At 10" festivity planned to be done this Saturday, my directorate wishes to alert our delegates and the whole country at large of our courses of action for the party.

Tomorrow, the Deputy Party Leader will have an occasion to showcase  off 47 ODM marked vehicle transports from Mombasa to each of the forty seven regions of the republic.

The vehicles will  give transport to the gathering delegates from all over Kenya to take participation in our celebration.

In addition to the event ,a few supporters have added more vehicles totaling to 823 in number .These vehicles are to inform the nation about the ODM 2017 Plan.

Upon the entry of the Party Leader on Friday, there will be a progression of roadshows as there will be thousands of delegates from..

all over the country of Kenya will come together..........


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