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Why They Killed Jacob Juma DISCLAIMER :This is a summary of Story as told by Jacob Juma’s friend.The friend has since fled Kenya and Brostalk Kenya could not independently verify the authenticity of the story. Despite the outward bravado, the 2009 census which saw the Kikuyu share of population reduce from 21% to 16.9% shocked the community. They knew what this meant—loss of political power. Something had to be done. The elders and billionaire robber barons ground their teeth as they looked at the staggering alcohol and and drug addicted youth with jaundiced eyes. In mid 2013, three decisions were made. First, an all out war was declared to end the alcohol addiction menace, which according to them was responsible for the rapid depopulation of the once mighty Kikuyu.
The second and third decisions were more protracted in nature. Juma Had a close friend working at Brookside Dairies, Riuru, Kenya Jacob Juma had a bosom friend working at the Brookside Dairy (which is partially owned by the Kenyatta family). The friend, a Luhya with a Kikuyu mother, intimated in him there there is a deliberate plot to stem the population increase of the what he said was being referred to in Kikuyu circles as the “seven dogs" “If they couldn’t stop the increasing decrease of the Kikuyu population, then the only remedy would be to decrease the increasing population of the “seven dogs " he told Juma. Exactly who were being referred to as the “seven dogs"? According Juma’s friend, the “seven dogs" referred to the following tribes: 1. The Luhya 2. The Luo 3. The Kamba 4. The Kisii 5. The Wa Pwani (MijiKenda, Swahili, and other coastal tribes including the Taita and Taveta). 6. The Somali. and last but not least, the 7. Turkana. To achieve this goal, two strategies were proposed. 1. To spike the milk from Brookside Dairies being distributed in Western Province, Nyanza Province, Ukambani and Coast Province, and Turkana County with a chemical known as Melamine.
Melamine is an organic base chemical most commonly found in the form of white crystals rich in nitrogen. Melamine is described as “ Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed” . Chronic exposure may cause cancer or reproductive damage. However, the short-term lethal dose is on a par with common table salt with an LD50 of more than 3 grams per kilogram of bodyweight.. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists explain that when melamine and cyanuric acid are absorbed into the bloodstream, they concentrate and interact in the urine-filled renal tubules, then crystallize and form large numbers of round, yellow crystals, which in turn block and damage the renal cells that line the tubes, causing the kidneys to malfunction. Melamine is widely used in plastics, adhesives, countertops, dishware, whiteboards. The addition of melamine increases the nitrogen content of the milk and therefore its apparent protein content GO TO PAGE 2 TO CONTINUE READING>>>> page 1 2
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